Look closely, because the closer you think you are, the less you will actually see
Although magic has been around for thousands of years, the art of magic has never been as popular as it is today, due to the popular culture cultivated by movies and art.
For proof of this you need look no further than Harry Potter and his school for magicians. Yet what lies behind the movies and stage magic we see today ? Prepare yourselves for a spellbinding tour of sorcery.
Turning water into wine ? A biblical story ! Magic isn't lacking in the Adventures of Tintin (my favourite cartoon character), but it often appears in the form of entertainment as opposed to the quasi-religious sorcery practised by many holy madmen and shamans in the past.
Such activities sometimes proved hazardous for practitioners, even fatal: at certain times during the Medieval Inquisitions (from the 13th century) sorcerers and witches were relentlessly pursued and killed as punishment.
Some say there are two types of magic : white magic and black magic.
Let's meet the seven secrets of magic
All magic essentially consists of some kind of distraction from reality. As they say, first rule of magic is to be always the smartest person in the room.
As the old adage goes "seeing is believing'' and the magician's art lies in his ability to make you believe what you can see without guessing the reality behind the scenes. Modern magic plays on seven awe-inspiring effects :
Levitation : a person or object seemingly floating in the air.
Apparition : making a person or object appear in unexpected places. This is the type of effect seen in the most well known magic trick of all time: pulling a rabbit out of a hat.
Disappearance : making things disappear. An assistant goes into a cupboard with the doors closed behind her. When the doors are opened, she is nowhere to be seen.
Transformation : the magician hides his assistant behind a screen of some kind ; when he lifts the screen (following some magic spells of course) the person has been transformed into an animal.
Teleportation : The magician's assistant is in a particular location on the stage and then suddenly appears in a completely different place.
Invulnerability : an assistant is locked inside a box which is then pierced with swords. At the end of the trick, the assistant steps out of the box without a scratch.
Mentalism : the magician reads thoughts, or sees people or objects while blindfolded. And has the ability to manipulate others behaviour by influencing their thoughts.
Can magicians change the course of nature ?
Certainly not ! The proof can be found within the pages of Prisoners of the Sun. So as to escape from being burned alive by Inca priests, Tintin makes use of an old trick. He discovers, through a newspaper clipping, that an eclipse of the sun has been calculated to take place in, eighteen days time, at 11 o'clock...He therefore asks to be executed at precisely this time.
Turning water into wine ? A biblical story ! Magic isn't lacking in the Adventures of Tintin (my favourite cartoon character), but it often appears in the form of entertainment as opposed to the quasi-religious sorcery practised by many holy madmen and shamans in the past.
Such activities sometimes proved hazardous for practitioners, even fatal: at certain times during the Medieval Inquisitions (from the 13th century) sorcerers and witches were relentlessly pursued and killed as punishment.
Some say there are two types of magic : white magic and black magic.
Let's meet the seven secrets of magic
All magic essentially consists of some kind of distraction from reality. As they say, first rule of magic is to be always the smartest person in the room.
As the old adage goes "seeing is believing'' and the magician's art lies in his ability to make you believe what you can see without guessing the reality behind the scenes. Modern magic plays on seven awe-inspiring effects :
Levitation : a person or object seemingly floating in the air.
Apparition : making a person or object appear in unexpected places. This is the type of effect seen in the most well known magic trick of all time: pulling a rabbit out of a hat.
Disappearance : making things disappear. An assistant goes into a cupboard with the doors closed behind her. When the doors are opened, she is nowhere to be seen.
Transformation : the magician hides his assistant behind a screen of some kind ; when he lifts the screen (following some magic spells of course) the person has been transformed into an animal.
Teleportation : The magician's assistant is in a particular location on the stage and then suddenly appears in a completely different place.
Invulnerability : an assistant is locked inside a box which is then pierced with swords. At the end of the trick, the assistant steps out of the box without a scratch.
Mentalism : the magician reads thoughts, or sees people or objects while blindfolded. And has the ability to manipulate others behaviour by influencing their thoughts.
Can magicians change the course of nature ?
Certainly not ! The proof can be found within the pages of Prisoners of the Sun. So as to escape from being burned alive by Inca priests, Tintin makes use of an old trick. He discovers, through a newspaper clipping, that an eclipse of the sun has been calculated to take place in, eighteen days time, at 11 o'clock...He therefore asks to be executed at precisely this time.
When the hour of reckoning comes he makes the Incas believe that he has the power to make the sun disappear, resulting in pandemonium... and also convincing the Incas to spare the lives of Tintin and his friends. Nevertheless, a magic show or trick really does have some power to transform your life by helping you relax and enjoy yourself, forget your worries or suddenly solve a problem you have been worrying about.Tintin would definitely have made a good magician !
Can a hypnotist take control of your mind ?
These days even doctors use hypnosis to relax patients, in therapeutical purposes. It can also be used as a form of anaesthetic. Even if we don't believe in it, when doctors use it fevers and pain are reduced. Hypnotism hasn't always had therapeutical uses. The main aim of hypnotism in magic is to place the willpower of a person under the control of the magician. Hypnotised, the victim does things without being conscious of them making the phenomenon a wonderful element of drama and suspense.
The will of one can be broke by another will, a mind can be enslaved by another mind and finally breaking someone's will, will make you gain power over his life and lead him to the point you want to get. But as every power, has a major fault : using your power to psihically destroy other will eventually lead to mental disorders (seen on movies about holocaust when jews were executed, those militars who shot them go mad, also perfect illustrated in the movie Shutter Island. And there is no backward moving, once you destroy, the vase cannot be repaired, by any means.
So think twice. Mind your own business and foucus on your destiny for we do not have the power or allowance to interfere with that of another man. Whenever you think you fooled a person, think twice. You fooled yourself and broke the barrier between good and bad.
Magic should be used to create something beautiful, to show the others a great performance that will make them vibrate and most of all give them HOPE. Hope is the ultimate wapon of humanity confronting with their faith. (even if Zeus gave Pandora a box with all evils to spread on earth and hope is the last that got out), leading us to the conclusion that HOPE is an evil. It could be, but it is the last resort to be attached to in sufference.
So for those who think they can fool the others, a quote from Now you see me (I can hardly wait to see the next one in 2016) ! :)
"Let me warn you. I want you to follow, because no matter what you think you might know, we will always be one step, three steps- seven steps ahead of you, and just when you think you're catching up, that's when we'll be right behind you. And at no time will you be anywhere other than exactly where I want you to be. So come close, get all over me because the closer you think you are, the less you'll actually see."
Can a hypnotist take control of your mind ?
These days even doctors use hypnosis to relax patients, in therapeutical purposes. It can also be used as a form of anaesthetic. Even if we don't believe in it, when doctors use it fevers and pain are reduced. Hypnotism hasn't always had therapeutical uses. The main aim of hypnotism in magic is to place the willpower of a person under the control of the magician. Hypnotised, the victim does things without being conscious of them making the phenomenon a wonderful element of drama and suspense.
The will of one can be broke by another will, a mind can be enslaved by another mind and finally breaking someone's will, will make you gain power over his life and lead him to the point you want to get. But as every power, has a major fault : using your power to psihically destroy other will eventually lead to mental disorders (seen on movies about holocaust when jews were executed, those militars who shot them go mad, also perfect illustrated in the movie Shutter Island. And there is no backward moving, once you destroy, the vase cannot be repaired, by any means.
So think twice. Mind your own business and foucus on your destiny for we do not have the power or allowance to interfere with that of another man. Whenever you think you fooled a person, think twice. You fooled yourself and broke the barrier between good and bad.
Magic should be used to create something beautiful, to show the others a great performance that will make them vibrate and most of all give them HOPE. Hope is the ultimate wapon of humanity confronting with their faith. (even if Zeus gave Pandora a box with all evils to spread on earth and hope is the last that got out), leading us to the conclusion that HOPE is an evil. It could be, but it is the last resort to be attached to in sufference.
So for those who think they can fool the others, a quote from Now you see me (I can hardly wait to see the next one in 2016) ! :)
"Let me warn you. I want you to follow, because no matter what you think you might know, we will always be one step, three steps- seven steps ahead of you, and just when you think you're catching up, that's when we'll be right behind you. And at no time will you be anywhere other than exactly where I want you to be. So come close, get all over me because the closer you think you are, the less you'll actually see."
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